Tuesday, April 14, 2009


be my prince,
who save me from dark side,
who give me a loves
which i'm dying to get it,
love full with happiness
love with sadness
u give all of it
i cant take it anymore
i'm thinking of u all the time
what i'm going to do without u
how i want to breath?
how i want live without u?
every touched,every kisses make me alive
how i want to spent my night without u
i really need u,
please wait for me,b!
u know how much i really love u
are u really willing to leave me alone?
please dont leave me here
i really need you,b!
times will change,
just wait for me until the BIG day
we walk together in heaven
just hold my hand
dont ever let me fall,
just wait for me
we spent my life together
we share everything together
please hear me!
please dont ever let me fall
i really love u,
u know i always love me
dont let me go,just stay!
i really love u, i do love u.
u're my prince.
baby,please wait for me.


SarraLicious said...

gr8 poem :)
buat sendri ke poem nih?huhu..

.anias.anias. said...

a'ah wat sendiri poem nie.
thanks ya!